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Jasa Pembuatan Website Mechanical Seals – PT.Noorgan Jaya Engineering

Website Company Profile Mechanical Seals

Jasa Pembuatan Website Mechanical Seals
Jasa Pembuatan Website Mechanical Seals

PT. Noorgan Jaya Engineering present developing the series of mechanical seals also the other products that are aligned, which are widely used in industries such as petrochemical, oil & gas, refinery, electric power, steel, pharmaceutical, pulp & paper, marine, mining and food processing.

We provide the common seal standards and customized various of mechanical seals as per requests. We can manufacture special seal design that aim can improve sealing performances based on the need of the working field, and also provide the solution to be more competitive in the business of the seals market.

Having the knowledge and experience in mechanical sealing technique and technology more than 20 years since 1996, we have the ability to solve the most difficult demands of our Customers. For more information, inquiry or discussion regarding mechanical seals product please do not hesitate contact us, we gladly will provide the right solution according to your need.

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